Monday, September 27, 2010

Grandma Nellie's Hot Fudge topping

I think I need to rename this blog "Epic failures trying to recreate Grandma's recipes" The saddest thing is that I'd actually made this recipe many times in my life but it's been a long time since the last time. I've also had two children in the loose brain cells, I swear.

It didn't matter what time of the day or night that you went to my Grandma Nellie's house...She would inevitably offer you a hot fudge sundae. She said that she couldn't sleep at night unless she had one. When she was young she would have to drink a cup of coffee every night to help her go to sleep. Things just worked opposite on my Grandmother. She was as skinny as a whip because she was always moving; running, dancing, working, playing with grandchildren and great grandchildren.

My cousin was here this last week and I thought we'd make the hot fudge to eat right before we went to bed and see just how many Grandma Nellie genes we had. It was heavenly... that which worked. As it turned out she didn't have the recipe so I had the pleasure of giving it to her so that the tradition may continue. I have to say that I slept like a dream that night. But that may also have something to do that my 7 month old slept 8 hours straight then 4 more after a midnight snack. But I may try having a hot fudge sundae before I go to sleep more often. :)

Here is the recipe in her handwriting.

She'd taped it to something which distorted the writing so I'll type it out as well, just as she wrote it.

Choc Fudge Topping

1 pk 12 oz real choc chips
1 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
1 tblspoon margerine or butter ( ha! We both spell margarine wrong)
1 tpoon vanilla

In dbl boiler ( on top) put 1 pk choc chips and 1 tblspoon margerine ( water in bottom pan ). Melt chip under med heat stirring all the time til smooth and melted- Remove immediately and add sweetened milk and vanilla. Mix well till all is smooth. Milk or cream may be added if it's too thick for your taste. I sometimes use a hand mixer if I didn't get it as smooth as I like it. Enjoy!

The last little thing is a trademark Grandma Nellie thing. She ALWAYS added a little exclamation of excitement in every recipe she wrote down or submitted to any ward cookbook. I have to say that I find myself doing the same.

So back to my experience making this recipe. Learn from my mistakes...

I started with the double boiler

I swear I remember her doing this for a double boiler. I know for SURE this is the way she'd warm up her hot fudge topping. But I also failed to notice that it said to heat it at medium heat and I also failed to notice that it said on the chocolate chip package that you were not suppose to let the water boil.

Adding the butter...the damage had already been done. The chocolate had seized and it was solid at the bottom.

Little man must have known

So here's what I learned about messing up this recipe



And here is me and my cousin reliving our childhoods together.

Miserable picture of me...just miserable but it was good none the less.

We miss you Grandma! We think of you every day!